A galvanometer of resistance, G is shunted by a resistance S ohm. To keep the main current in the circuit unchanged, the resistance to be put in series with the galvanometer is

(1) S2(S+G)                                             

(2) SG(S+G)

(3) G2(S+G)                                             

(4) G(S+G)

Subtopic:  Moving Coil Galvanometer |
NEET - 2011
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

Which one of the following bonds produces a solid that reflects light in the visible region and whose electrical conductivity decreases with temperature and has high melting point?

(1) metallic bonding

(2) van der Waals'bonding

(3) ionic bonding 

(4) covalent bonding

Subtopic:  Current & Current Density |
NEET - 2010
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

A potentiometer circuit is set up as shown.The potential gradient across the potentiometer wire, is k volt/cm and the ammeter, present in the circuit, reads 1.0A when two way key is switched off. The balance points, when the key between the terminals (i) 1 and 2 (ii) 1and 3, is plugged in, are found to be at lengths l1cm and l2cm respectively.The magnitudes, of the resistors R and X, in ohm, are then, equal, respectively, to

(a)kl2-l1 and kl2

(b)kl1 and kl2-l1

(c)kl2-l1and kl1

(d)kl1 and kl2

Subtopic:  Meter Bridge & Potentiometer |
NEET - 2010
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

A galvanometer has a coil of resistance 100Ω and gives a full scale deflection for 30 mA current.If it is to work as a voltmeter of 30V range, the resistance required to be added will be 

(1) 900 Ω                                     

(2) 1800 Ω

(3) 500 Ω                                     

(4) 1000 Ω

Subtopic:  Conversion to Ammeter & Voltmeter |
NEET - 2010
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

A series combination of n1 capacitors, each of value C1, is charged by a source of potential difference 4 V. When another parallel combination of n2 capacitors, each of value C2, is charged by a source of potential difference V, it has the same (total) energy stored in it as the first combination has. The value of C2 in terms of C1 is:

1.  2C1n1n2             

2. 16n2n1C1

3.  2n2n1C1           

4.  16C1n1n2

Subtopic:  Energy stored in Capacitor |
NEET - 2010
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

 Consider the following two statements :

(1) Kirchhoff's junction law follows from the conservation of charge.

(2) Kirchhoff's loop law follows from the conservation of energy.

     Which of the following is correct?

(a) Both (A) and (B) are wrong

(b) (A) is correct and (B) is wrong

(3) (A)  is wrong and (B) is correct

(4) Both (A) and (B) are correct

Subtopic:  Kirchoff's Voltage Law |
NEET - 2010
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

A wire of resistance 12 Ωm-1 is bent to form a complete circle of radius 10 cm. The resistance between its two diametrically opposite points, A and B as shown in the figure, is :


(a) 0.6 π Ω                                               (b) 3 Ω

(c) 6 π Ω                                                  (d) 6 Ω


Subtopic:  Combination of Resistors |
NEET - 2009
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

A student measures the terminal potential difference \((V)\) of a cell (of emf \(\varepsilon \) and internal resistance \(r\)) as a function of the current \((I)\) flowing through it. The slope and intercept of the graph between \(V\) and \(I,\) then respectively, equal:
1. \(\varepsilon \) and \(-r\)
2. \(-r\) and \(\varepsilon \)
3.  \(r\) and \(-\varepsilon \)
4. \(-\varepsilon \) and \(r\)

Subtopic:  EMF & Terminal Voltage |
NEET - 2009
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

A galvanometer having a coil resistance of 60Ω shows full scale deflection when a current of 1.0A passes through it. It can be converted into an ammeter to read currents upto 5.0A by 

(a) putting in series resistance of 240Ω

(b) putting in parallel resistance of 240Ω

(c) putting in series resistance of 15Ω

(d) putting in parallel resistance of 15Ω

Subtopic:  Conversion to Ammeter & Voltmeter |
NEET - 2009
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

See the electrical circuit shown in this figure. Which of the following equation is a correct equation for it?

1. ε1-i1+i2R-i1r1=0

2. ε2-i2r2-ε1-i1r1=0

3. -ε2-i1+i2R+i2r2=0

4. ε1-i1+i2R+i1r1=0

Subtopic:  Kirchoff's Voltage Law |
NEET - 2009
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh