Delicate hair-like feathers which remain sparsely distributed over the body are

(1) coverts

(2) filoplumes

(3) plumules

(4) remiges.


Subtopic:  Study of Aves & Mammals |
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NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

Which one feature is common to leech, cockroach and scorpion?

(1) Nephridia

(2) Ventral nerve cord

(3) Cephalization

(4) Antennae

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NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

National bird of India is

(1) Psittacula

(2) Passer domesticus

(3) Pavo cristatus

(4) Parakeet

Subtopic:  Study of Aves & Mammals |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

Which of the following have porous body and have Cellular Level of Organization?

(1) Aurelia and Obelia

(2) Adamsia and Euplectella

(3) Leucosolenia and Spongilla

(4) Sycon and Hydra

Subtopic:  Phylum Porifera |
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NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

Which animal has the longest gestation period?

(1) Shark

(2) Walrus

(3) Elephant

(4) Dog

Subtopic:  Events during Sexual reproduction |
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NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

Kingdom Animalia is characterised by

(1) direct dependence on autotrophs

(2) indirect dependence on autotrophs

(3) absence of chlorophyll

(4) absence of cell wall

Subtopic:  Different Classification Systems |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

Which of the following is a correct match?

(1) Frog — External ears

(2) Earthworm — Muscular gizzard, typhlosole

(3) Human — Fat globule, 10 pairs of cranial nerves

(4) Cockroach — Chilopoda

Subtopic:  Phylum Annelida |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

One of the world's most poisonous fish toxins is released by

(1) clown fish

(2) sword fish

(3) eel fish

(4) puffer fish

Subtopic:  Comparative study of Cartilagenous & Bony Fishes |
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NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

Stinging capsules (nematocysts) are found in

(1) wasp and honeybee

(2) scorpion and cobra

(3) sea pen and sea fan

(4) cactus and Venus flytrap

Subtopic:  Phylum Coelenterata |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

In which of the following sets of organisms, does the external fertilization occur?

1. Echinodermata and mosses

2. Hemichordata and ferns

3. Amphibians and algae

4. Reptiles and gymnosperms

Subtopic:  Study of Amphibians |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh