Cork cambium results in the formation of cork which becomes impermeable to water due to the accumulation of
(1) resins
(2) suberin
(3) lignins
(4) tannins
Which one of the following statements pertaining to plant structure is correct?
(1) Cork lacks stomata, but lenticels carry out transpiration.
(2) Passage cells help in transfer of food from cortex to phloem.
(3) Sieve tube elements possess cytoplasm but no nuclei.
(4) The shoot apical meristem has a quiescent centre.
Grafting is successful in dicots but not in monocots because the dicots have
(1) Vascular bundles arranged in a ring
(2) Cambium for secondary growth
(3) Vessels with elements arranged end to end
(4) Cork cambium
In the sieve elements, which one of the following is the most likely function of P-proteins?
(1) Deposition of callose on sieve plates
(2) Providing energy for active translocation
(3) Autolytic enzymes
(4) Sealing mechanism on wounding
In succulent plants the stomata open in night and close in day. Which among the following would be best hypothesis to explain the mechanism of stomatal action in night only?
(1) CO2 accumulates, reduces pH, stimulate enzymes resulting in accumulation of sugars.
(2) Increase in CO2 concentration, conversion of organic acids into starch resulting in the increased conversion into sugars resulting in K+ transport.
(3) Low CO2 concentration accumulates organic acids resulting in the increased concentration of cell sap.
(4) CO2 used up, increase pH results in accumulation of sugars.
Bark refers to
(1) Phellem + Phellogen + Phelloderm
(2) Periderm + Cortex
(3) Phellem + Phelloderm + Secondary phloem
(4) Periderm + Cortex + Pericycle + Secondary phloem
The branched sclereids present in hydrophytes are:-
(1) osteosclereids
(2) trichosclereids
(3) macrosclereids
(4) astrosclereids
Why are vascular bundles closed in monocots?
(1) Xylem and Phloem are present
(2) Xylem and phloem occur in separate bundles
(3) Vascular cambium is present between xylem and phloem
(4) Vascular cambium is not present
Given figure shows:-
(a) structure of lenticel
(b) hydathode showing gaseous vapour exchange
(c) fungus reproducing by spore formation
(d) algae reproducing by spore formation
Select the correct pair amongst the following.
(1) Spring wood - light colour, high density
(2) Spring wood - dark colour, low density
(3) Autumn wood - light colour, high density
(4) Autumn wood - dark colour, high density