A keystone species is the one which has
1. A small proportion of total biomass but has huge impact on community’s organisation and survival
2.A plenty of biomass but low impacts on community’s organisation
3. A rare species with little impact on biomass and other species in the community
4. A dominant species which has a large proportion of biomass and which affects many other species

Subtopic:  Population Dynamic |

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A system of rotating crops with legume or grass pastures to improve soil structure and fertility is called:

1. Shifting agriculture
2. Ley farming
3. Contour farming
4. Strip farming

Subtopic:  Introduction to the Chapter |

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It is much easier for a small animal to run uphill than for a large animal, because:
1. The efficiency of muscles in large animals is less than in the small animals.
2. It is easier to carry a small body weight.
3. Smaller animals have a higher metabolic rate.
4. Small animals have a lower O2 requirement.

Subtopic:  Population Dynamic |

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Which one of the following characteristics is not shared by birds and mammals? 
1. Warm blooded nature 

2. Ossified endoskeleton

3. Breathing using lungs

4. Viviparity

Subtopic:  Introduction to Ecology |

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Plants which produce characteristic Pneumatophores and show vivipary belong to 
1. Mesophytes
2. halophytes
3. Psammophytes
4. Hydrophytes

Subtopic:  Introduction to Ecology |

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Who is revered as the father of ecology in India?

1.Gurdev Singh Khush2.Ramdeo Mishra
3.Panchanan Maheshwari4.Jawahar Sharma

Subtopic:  Introduction to Ecology | Introduction to the Chapter |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

Ecology at the organismic level is essentially:
1. Physiological ecology
2. Biochemical ecology
3. Anatomical ecology
4. Pathological ecology

Subtopic:  Introduction to Ecology | Introduction to the Chapter |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

The biome characterized by a mean annual temperature between 0°C and 25°C and mean annual precipitation between 25 cm and 100 cm is:
1. Desert
2. Arctic and alpine tundra
3. Temperate forest
4. Grassland

Subtopic:  Introduction to Ecology | Introduction to the Chapter |
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Please attempt this question first.

Identify the biome that is not correctly matched with the physical parameters given in corresponding Column II and Column III:


Mean annual temperature [OC]

Mean annual precipitation [cm]


Tropical forest

20 – 25

130 – 430


Arctic and alpine tundra

-12 – 2

10 – 125


Coniferous forest

-5 –5

100 – 200


Temperate forest

8 – 22

50 – 225

Subtopic:  Introduction to Ecology | Introduction to the Chapter |
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Please attempt this question first.

The most ecologically relevant environmental factor is:

1. Temperature 2. Water
3. Light 4. Soil

Subtopic:  Abiotic Factors: Temperature (OLD NCERT) |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.