The second largest constituent of plasma is:
1. Water
2. Proteins
3. Glucose
4. Hormones
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A person with which of the following blood groups can receive blood from a donor of only his/her own blood group?
1. O | 2. A |
3. B | 4. AB |
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Certain factors that can initiate coagulation of blood can be released by:
I. Platelets in the blood
II. Tissues at the site of injury
III. Liver
1. | I and II only | 2. | I and III only |
3. | II and III only | 4. | I, II and III |
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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.
Interstitial fluid resembles plasma in the same distribution of:
1. Formed elements
2. Proteins
3. Minerals
4. Enzymes
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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.
All terrestrial vertebrates possess:
1. A muscle or elastic membrane to increase thoracic volume
2. A renal portal system
3. A skin that does allow diffusion of gases
4. At least a three chambered heart
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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.
What separates the right and the left atria in the human heart?
1. | A thin muscular wall | 2. | A thick muscular wall |
3. | A thin fibrous membrane | 4. | A thick fibrous membrane |
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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.
A tricuspid valve will prevent flow of blood from:
1 Right atrium to right ventricle
2. Right ventricle to right atrium
3. Left atrium to left ventricle
4. Left ventricle to left atrium
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Purkinje fibers are:
1. Intrinsic neural fibers in the ventricles
2. Muscle fibers that interconnect SA node and AV node
3. Muscle fibers that are distributed in the ventricular musculature
4. Neural fibers that spread the impulse throughout the ventricular muscle mass
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All the following statements regarding joint diastole phase of the cardiac cycle are correct except:
1. All chambers are in a relaxed state
2. The AV valves may remain closed in the initial period
3. Ventricles get filled in the later part
4. Semilunar valves remain open
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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.
The first heart sound is heard during the:
1. Beginning of ventricular systole
2. End of ventricular systole
3. Beginning of atrial systole
4. End of ventricular diastole
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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.