The testis has many lobes each containing 1 – 3 curved:
1. efferent ductules
2. Leydig cells
3. seminal vesicles
4. seminiferous tubules

Subtopic:  Basic Anatomy of Testis |

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A cut section through the middle piece of sperm will show:
1. the proximal pair of centriole
2. the haploid nucleus
3. microtubules in the 9 + 2 pattern of cilia and flagella
4. absence of mitochondria

Subtopic:  Spermiogenesis/Sperm Structure/Hormonal Regulation |

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The middle piece of a sperm contains __________.
1. food necessary to nourish the head of the sperm
2. enzymes necessary to penetrate the egg's outer layers
3. mitochondria to provide energy for movement
4. all of the above

Subtopic:  Spermiogenesis/Sperm Structure/Hormonal Regulation |

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The anterior pituitary secretes gonadotropins:
1. only in females
2. only in males
3. in both males and females
4. only in males, and females after menopause

Subtopic:  Male Reproductive System | Female Reproductive System-1 |

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The location of ovaries in the human body would most accurately be described as:

1. upper abdominal cavity 2. lower thoracic cavity
3. upper pelvic cavity 4. retroperitoneal
Subtopic:  Female Reproductive System-2 |

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Epithelial linings of the digestive tract is derived from the embryonic:
1. ectoderm
2. mesoderm
3. endoderm
4. allantois

Subtopic:  Embryonic Development till Gastrulation |

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Oxygen rich blood and nutrients are transported to the fetus by:

1.inferior vena cava2.umbilical vein
3.umbilical artery4.hepatic portal vein

Subtopic:  Fetal Development & Parturition |

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Within the fetus, much of the circulating blood bypasses the lungs and flows through the ______________.
1. ductus venosus
2. umbilical vein
3. umbilical artery
4. ductus arteriosus

Subtopic:  Fetal Development & Parturition |

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The developing embryo gets implanted on the wall of uterine endometrium at the stage of:
1. gastrula
2. blastocyst
3. morula
4. zygote

Subtopic:  Embryonic Development till Gastrulation |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

Erythropoiesis in the earliest days of gestation is the function of:

1. yolk sac 2. chorion
3. fetal bone marrow 4. amnion
Subtopic:  Embryonic Development till Gastrulation |

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