One of the unpaired facial bones of the skull that takes part in the formation of the nasal septum is:
1. sphenoid
2. vomer
3. nasal bone
4. lacrimal bone

Subtopic:  Axial Skeleton: I |

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The largest ankle bone is:
1. cuboid
2. navicular
3. calcaneus
4. talus

Subtopic:  Appendicular Skeleton |

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A dense outer layer of vascular connective tissue enveloping the bones except at the surfaces of the joints is the:

1. epiphysis

2. diaphysis

3. articular cartilage

4. periosteum

Subtopic:  Fibrous & Catilaginous Joints |

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What is number of bones in a human adult?

1. 150 2. 300
3. 250 4. 206
Subtopic:  Axial Skeleton |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

In an adult, erythropoeisis will be maximum in:
1. femur
2. sternum
3. humerus
4. tibia

Subtopic:  Sternum & Ribs |

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When a bone bends and cracks, instead of breaking completely into separate pieces, the fracture is called as:

1. greenstick

2. incomplete

3. compound

4. simple

Subtopic:  Disorders of Muscular and Skeletal System |

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The critical event for the contraction of striated muscles would be that calcium ions:
1. are released from troponin C
2. bind to tropomyosin
3. bind to troponin
4. are taken up by the sarcoplasmic reticulum

Subtopic:  Sliding Filament Theory |

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All the following shorten during muscle contraction except:
1. sarcomere
2. A bands
3. I bands
4. H bands

Subtopic:  Muscle Contraction: Other Considerations |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

Cross bridge formation during muscle contraction involves:

1. troponin and actin 2. tropomyosin and myosin
3. myosin and troponin 4. myosin and actin
Subtopic:  Sliding Filament Theory |

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For the muscular movements to be coordinated, it is important that:
1. the muscle twitches must be of increasing strength.
2. muscle is divided into motor units
3. type I fibers must be more than type II fibers in a muscle
4. the muscle twitches undergo tetanization.

Subtopic:  Sliding Filament Theory |

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