The atlas vertebra of humans:
1. articulates with temporal bone.
2. does not have a body.
3. has an odontoid process.
4. does not have a vertebral foramen.

Subtopic:  Vertebral column |

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All thoracic vertebrae:

1. lack a transverse process.

2. lack a body.

3. have facets for ribs.

4. have transverse foramen.

Subtopic:  Vertebral column |

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A medical condition in which a person's spine has a sideways curve is called:
1. lordosis.
2. kyphosis.
3. scoliosis.
4. PIVD.

Subtopic:  Disorders of Muscular and Skeletal System |

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The pectoral girdle is composed of

1. coxa and femur 2. scapula and humerus
3. scapula and clavicle 4. clavicle and sternum
Subtopic:  Appendicular Skeleton: Girdle |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

The two processes on the dorsal surface of the scapula are the:

1. glenoid and infraspinatus 2. obturator and coracoid
3. coracoid and acromion 4. capitulum and trochlea
Subtopic:  Sternum & Ribs |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

The number of phalanges in thumb is/are:
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4

Subtopic:  Appendicular Skeleton: Upper Limb |

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The carpal bones are the eight small bones that make up the wrist (or carpus) and are arranged in:
1. two rows of 4
2. four rows of 2
3. two rows of 5 and 3
4. four rows of 1,1,3,3

Subtopic:  Appendicular Skeleton: Upper Limb |

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A large sesamoid bone in the leg is:
1. talus
2. patella
3. navicular
4. fibula

Subtopic:  Appendicular Skeleton |

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To form the largest ball and socket joint in the human body, the head of the femur articulates with:

1. acetabulum 2. obturator foramen
3. glenoid cavity 4. olecranon fossa
Subtopic:  Synovial Joint |

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The large opening created by the ischium and pubis bones of the pelvis through which nerves and blood vessels pass is called:
1. acetabulum
2. obturator foramen
3. lineaaspera
4. fovea centralis

Subtopic:  Appendicular Skeleton: Girdle |

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