Axial skeleton does not include
(1) Skull
(2) Vertebral Coulmn
(3) Sternum
(4) Radial bones
Which of the following is not a cranial bone in human?
(1) Temporal bone
(2) Occipital bone
(3) Parietal bone
(4) Zygomatic bone
Which of the following is not a facial bone?
(1) Maxilla
(2) Mandible
(3) Zygomatic bone
(4) Parietal bone
Which of the following is not a facial bone?
(1) Sphenoid bone
(2) Lacrimal bone
(3) Zygomatic bone
(4) Nasal bone
How many facial bones are included in skull?
(1) 14
(2) 8
(3) 22
(4) 15
Which of the following facial bone is unpaired?
(1) Maxilla
(2) Mandible
(3) Zygomatic bone
(4) Lacrimal bone
When we describe skull bones to be 22, which of the following is not included in skull bones?
(1) Cranial bones
(2) Lacrimal bones
(3) Zygomatic bones
(4) Ear ossicles
How many ear ossicles are there in humans?
(1) 6
(2) 8
(3) 4
(4) 12
Facial bones+cranial bones+Hyoid bone+Ear Ossicles, Which of the following is showing the correct number?
(1) 22
(2) 29
(3) 14
(4) 25
Which of the following is a cranial bone and is single?
(1) Parietal bone
(2) Temporal bone
(3) Sphenoid bone
(4) Both 2 and 3