Euglenoids can be/have
(1) Predator
(2) With cell wall
(3) Polysaccharide rich protein layer
(4) All are marine organisms
Slime moulds aren't/haven't
(1) Extremely resistant
(2) Having spores which are dispersed by air currents
(3) An aggregation called as plasmodium
(4) Photoautotrophs
The primitive relative of animals are
(1) Dinoflagellates
(2) Diatoms
(3) Euglenoids
(4) Protozoans
Which of the following is not correctly matched?
(1) Amoeboid protozoan- entamoeba
(2) Flagellated Protozoan- trypanosoma
(3) Cilliated Protozoan-plasmodium
(4) More than one option is correct
The Marine forms of amoeboid protozoans can have
(1) Silica shell on their surface
(2) Flagella
(3) Cilia
(4) More than one option is correct
Sleeping sickness is caused by
(1) Flagellated protozoan
(2) Cilliated Protozoan
(3) Sporozoan
(4) Amoeboid protozoan
Which of the following shows the coordinated movement of cilia?
(1) Trypanosoma
(2) Entamoeba
(3) Paramoecium
(4) Plasmodium
Which of the following kingdom constituents Saprotrophic organisms?
a. Protista
b. Monera
c. Fungi
d. Plantae
We usually observe some colourful growth on moist bread and rotten fruits, what does it belong to?
a. Bacteria
b. Fungi
c. Algae
d. None of the above
What causes rust of wheat?
a. Puccinia
b. Penicillium
c. Mucor
d. Rhizopus