Which of the following true for apical meristem
1. responsible for primary growth
2. forms primary permanent tissue
3. primary meristem
4. All of the above
Meristem which is secondary in origin is
1. lateral meristem
2. apical meristem
3. intercalary meristem
4. All of the above
Which of the following is true for lateral meristem?
1. absent in monocot stem and roots
2. secondary in origin
3. responsible for secondary growth
4. All of these
Interfascicular cambium is
1. primary in origin
2. secondary in origin
3. Both 1 and 2
4. neither primary nor secondary
Axillary bud is the left part of ________ meristem and may form _____or a _______
1. shoot, branch, flower
2. shoot, leaf, flower
3. root, branch, flower
4. root,leaf, flower
Lateral meristem includes
1. interfascicular cambium
2. intrafascicular cambium
3. cork cambium
4. All of the above
Select the correct option
1. Primary meristem forms primary permanent tissue
2. secondary meristem is formed from primary permanent tissue by dedifferentiation
3. All secondary meristem are lateral meristem
4. All of the above
Ground tissue system includes all except
1. pith and pith rays
2. epidermis and vascular bundle
3. epidermis and hypodermis
4. leaf mesophyll
How many of the followings are the parts of Ground Tissue System Epidermis, Hypodermis, general cortex, endodermis, pericycle, medullary rays, vascular bundle, pith, leaf mesophyll
1. 9
2. 7
3. 6
4. 5
In Ground tissue system, parenchymatous cells are usually present in
1. cortex
2. pericycle
3. pith and medullary rays
4. All of the above