Southern Blotting essentially makes use of a
(1) Buffer
(2) Electrodes
(3) Agarose gel
(4) All of the above
The native charge on DNA molecules is
(1) Positive
(2) Negative
(3) Neutral
(4) DNA is an ampholyte
If one needs to derive a cDNA of human insulin, which cells should be taken up for extraction?
(1) Any cell of the human body as the DNA is same in all cells
(2) Any nucleated cell of the human body
(3) b cells of islets of Langerhans of human pancreas
(4) WBCs
The natural genetic engineer of plants is
(1) Armillaria ostoyae
(2) Agrobacterium tumefacians
(3) Argemonaria geneticis
(4) Nuclearia incorporate
A distinct advantage of continuous culture over batch culture is
(1) Higher productivity
(2) Versitality
(3) Can be used for different reactions everyday
(4) Continuous inflow of nutrients
Plasmids are good vectors for genetic engineering because
1. They self replicate within bacterial cells
2. Replicate freely outside bacterial cells
3. Can be replicated in culture
4. Can be replicated in laboratory using enzymes
Molecular weight of DNA in diploid human cell in Da is
The Ti in Ti plasmid stands for
(1) Tumour inciting
(2) Tumour inducing
(3) Transposon incumbent
(4) Transition impact
Classical biotechnology does not include the production of
(1) Curd
(2) Ethyl alcohol
(3) Insulin from bacteria
(4) Citric acid
Why is a marker gene useful?
1. It shows you whether the gene being added, has been taken up or not.
2. It's a way of labelling which gene you want to modify.
3. It sticks with the striker gene.
4. It marks the position of r-DNA