Hybridoma is a synonym of
1. polyclonal antibody
2. monoclonal antibody
3. polymerase chain reaction
4. fluorescent in situ hybridization
Communicability of disease depends upon the availability of a
1. pathogen
2. parasitic
3. healthy person
4. susceptible person
Which of the following is used to make vaccines?
1. Activated pathogen
2. Pathogen blocked by antibody
3. Attenuated pathogen
4. None of the above
An organism which has been used as a weapon in biological war causes which of the
following disease?
1. malaria
2. common cold
3. influenza
4. anthrax
Opium is obtained from which part of the plant Papaver somniferous?
1. Inflorescence
2. Male part (dried)
3. Fruit (unripe)
4. Seeds
Prostaglandins have no role in
1. inflammatory and allergic reactions
2. blood clotting
3. smooth muscle contraction
4. conduction of nerve impulses.
Memory cells are stored in
1. spleen
2. lymph nodes
3. both 1. and 2.
4. a specialised area of brain tissue
The highly pathogenic influenza A (H5NI) virus infects
1. poultry
2. ducks
3. migratory birds
4. all of these.
Enteric fever is caused by
1. Salmonella enteritidis
2. S. typhi
3. S. typhimurium
4. none of the above
Stem cells arise from
1. bone marrow
2. yolk sac
3. foetal liver
4. all the above.