Match each item in Column I with one item in Column II and chose your answer from the codes given below:

Column I

Column II

I. Pusa Swarnim

II. Pusa Shubhra

III. Pusa Komal

IV. Pusa Sawani

1. Cauliflower

2. Brassica

3. Okra

4. Cow pea


            I           II         III         IV

1.         1           2           3           4

2.         2           1           4           3

3.         2           1           3           4

4.         1           2           4           3

Subtopic:  Breeding for Disease Resistance (OLD NCERT) |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

Which one is the wrong pairing for the disease and its causal organism?

(1) late blight of potato-Alternaria solani

(2) Black rust of wheat-Puccinia graminis

(3) Loose smut of wheat-Ustilago nuda

(4) Root-knot of vegetables-Meloidogyne sp.

Subtopic:  Breeding for Disease Resistance (OLD NCERT) |
NEET - 2009
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NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

Consider the following four measures (A-D) that could be taken to successfully grow chick pea in an area where bacterial blight disease is common

(A) spray with Bordeaux mixture

(B) control of the insect vector of the disease pathogen

(C) use of only disease-free seeds

(D) use of varieties resistant to the disease

Which two of the above measures can control the disease?

(1) B and C

(2) A and B

(3) C and D

(4) B and D

Subtopic:  Breeding for Disease Resistance (OLD NCERT) |
NEET - 2008
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NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

The crops engineered for glyphosate are resistant/tolerant to

(1) fungi

(2) bacteria

(3) insects

(4) herbicides

Subtopic:  Plant Breeding for Quality (OLD NCERT) |
NEET - 2015
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NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

Which one of the following is linked to the discovery of Bordeaux mixture as a popular fungicide?

(1) Bacterial leaf blight of rice

(2) Downy mildew of grapes

(3) Loose smut of wheat

(4) Black rust of wheat

Subtopic:  Insect & Pest Resistance (OLD NCERT) |
NEET - 2008
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NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

Homozygous purelines in cattle can be obtained by

(1) mating of related individuals of same breed

(2) mating of unrelated individuals of same breed

(3) mating of individuals of different breed

(4) mating of individuals of different species

Subtopic:  Animal Husbandry (OLD NCERT) |
NEET - 2017
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

Interspecific hybridisation is the mating of

(1) animals within same breed without having common ancestors

(2) two different related species

(3) superior males and females of different breeds

(4) more closely related individuals within same breed for 4-6 generations

Subtopic:  Animal Husbandry (OLD NCERT) |
NEET - 2016
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

Among the following edible fishes, which one is a marine fish having rich source of omega-3 fatty acids?

(1) Mystus

(2) Mangur

(3) Mrigala

(4) Mackerel

Subtopic:  Animal Husbandry (OLD NCERT) |
NEET - 2016
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NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

A system of rotating crops with legume or grass pasture to improve soil structure and

fertility is called

1. contour farming

2. strip farming

3. shifting agriculture

4. ley farming

Subtopic:  Plant Breeding for Quality (OLD NCERT) |
NEET - 2016
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NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh

Outbreeding is an important stategy of animal husbandry because it

1. help in accumulation of superior genes

2. is useful in producing purelines of animals

3. is useful in overcoming inbreeding depression 

4. exposes harmful recessive genes that are eliminated by selection

Subtopic:  Animal Husbandry (OLD NCERT) |
NEET - 2015
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2021 - Achiever Batch - Aryan Raj Singh