Which of the following is a correct statement:
1. The volume of blood in pulmonary circulation is more than the volume of blood in systemic circulation at any instant
2. The blood pressure in pulmonary circulation is less than that of the systemic circulation
3. Double circulation is characteristic of all vertebrates
4. A double aortic arch is seen in birds and mammals
There is a possibility of exposure of the maternal blood [of Rh -ve mother] to small amounts of Rh +ve blood from the fetus during the:
1. First trimester of any pregnancy
2. Third trimester of the second pregnancy only
3. Delivery of the child
4. There is no such possibility
Choose the correct order for the steps of hemostasis:
1. Blood coagulation, platelet plug formation, blood vessel spasm
2. Platelet plug formation, blood coagulation, blood vessel spasm
3. Blood vessel spasm, platelet plug formation, blood coagulation
4. Blood vessel spasm, blood coagulation, platelet plug formation
The right atria of the human heart receive:
1. Oxygenated blood
2. Deoxygenated blood
3. Arterial blood
4. Venous blood
Primary lymphatic organs serve as the site for:
1. antibody formation
2. lymph formation
3. lymphocytes to encounter and bind to antigens
4. lymphocyte formation and maturation
Explain the reason there is a delay in processing the electrical signal from the AV node to the AV bundle. To:
1. allow the atria to complete their contraction prior to ventricular contraction
2. ensure the right and left atria contract at the same time
3. ensure the right and left ventricles contract at the same time
4 prevent an ectopic pacemaker
The hepatic portal vein drains blood to liver from
(1) heart
(2) stomach
(3) kidneys
(4) intestine
Adult human RBCs are enucleate. Which of the following statement(s) is/are most appropriate explanation for this feature?
(I) They do not need to reproduce.
(II) They are somatic cells.
(III) They do not metabolise.
(IV) Their internal space is available for oxygen transport.
(1) Only (IV)
(2) Only (I)
(3) (I), (III) and (IV)
(4) (II) and (III)
Name the blood cells, whose reduction in number can cause clotting disorder, leading to excessive loss of blood from the body.
(1) Erythrocytes
(2) Leucocytes
(3) Neutrophils
(4) Thrombocytes
Serum differs from blood in
(1) lacking globulins
(2) lacking albumins
(3) lacking clotting factors
(4) lacking antibodies