The sporangium of ferns is protected by a specialized structure called as the:
1. annulus
2. indusium
3. fiddlehead
4. sorus

Subtopic:  Pteridophytes |

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Which of the following Greek root word means "naked" and hence gives name to plants like cycas and pines?

1. angeion 2. sperm
3. gymnos 4. gynos
Subtopic:  Gymnosperms |

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The red algae reproduce:

1. asexually by non motile spores and sexually by non motile gametes
2. asexually by non motile spores and sexually by motile gametes
3. asexually by motile spores and sexually by non motile gametes
4. asexually by motile spores and sexually by motile gametes
Subtopic:  Rhodophyceae: Red Algae and Importance of Algae |

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Sexual reproduction takes place through non flagellated gametes that are similar in size in:

1. Ulothrix 2. Spirogyra
3. Volvox 4. Fucus
Subtopic:  Algae |

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The term ‘strobilus’ in a gymnosperm defines a:

1. collection of megasporophylls
2. collection of microsporophylls
3. site of sporangial development
4. collection of megasporophylls, microsporophylls and/or a site of sporangial development
Subtopic:  Gymnosperms |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

Female sex organs of gymnosperms are called:

1. Archegonia 2. Female strobili
3. Megasporangium 4. Megasporophyll
Subtopic:  Gymnosperms |

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The microstrobilus in gymnosperms represents the:

1. "female" cone 2. megasporangium-bearing cone
3. pollen-bearing cone 4. none of these
Subtopic:  Gymnosperms |

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In angiosperms, one of the male gametes fuses with the secondary nucleus to produce:
1. Endosperm
2. Zygote
3. Embryo
4. Primary endosperm nucleus

Subtopic:  General Account of Angiosperms (OLD NCERT) |

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Identify the incorrect statement regarding algae:

1. Algae contain chlorophyll 
2. Algae are autotrophic 
3. Body of an alga is composed of pseudoparenchyma and hyphae 
4. Cell wall of an alga is composed of true cellulose.
Subtopic:  Pheophyceae: Brown Algae |

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A difference between a gymnosperm and an angiosperm would be:
1. Lack of a flower
2. Undeveloped vascular tissue
3. Xylem is mainly composed of vessels and phloem contains companion cell in angiosperms
4. Microspore grows into a pollen tube

Subtopic:  General Account of Angiosperms (OLD NCERT) |

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