Unicellular eukaryotic organisms belong to Kingdom:
1. Monera
2. Protista
3. Plantae
4. Fungi

Subtopic:  Kingdom Protista: Dinoflagellates | Kingdom Protista: Euglenoids | Kingdom Protista: Slime Moulds |

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Coprophilous fungi grow on:
1. Decaying wood
2. Dung
3. Animal bodies
4. Other fungi

Subtopic:  Kingdom Fungi: Ascomycetes |

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Phylogenetic classification is based on:

1. Morphological similarities 2. Physiological similarities
3. Reproductive similarities 4. Evolutionary relationships
Subtopic:  Different Classification Systems |

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The body of Euglenoids is flexible because of presence of:
1. a cell wall made up of pseudopeptidoglycan
2. a protein rich pellicle and absence of cell wall
3. a phosphate ether bonding in phospholipids in cell membrane
4. lipopolysaccharide layer in the outer cell wall

Subtopic:  Kingdom Protista: Euglenoids |

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Which of the following is not a viral disease?

1. Influenza 2. Yellow fever
3. Japanese encephalitis 4. Kala azar
Subtopic:  Virus, Viroids & Prions |

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As a group the most extensive metabolic diversity is shown by:

1. Bacteria 2. Protista
3. Fungi 4. Animals
Subtopic:  Kingdom Monera: Bacterial Life Process |

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Halophiles are archaebacteria adapted to extreme:

1. Hot habitats 2. Saline habitats
3. Marshy habitats 4. Cold habitats
Subtopic:  Kingdom Monera: Bacterial Classification |

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Methanogens are commonly present in:
1. Alimentary canal of the lower invertebrates
2. Symbiotic relationships with xerophytic plants
3. Gut of ruminant animals
4. Close associations with corals

Subtopic:  Different Classification Systems | Kingdom Monera: Introduction | Kingdom Monera: Bacterial Cell Structure | Kingdom Monera: Surface Appendages | Kingdom Monera: Bacterial Reproduction | Kingdom Monera: Bacterial Recombination | Kingdom Monera: Bacterial Life Process | Kingdom Monera: Bacterial Classification |

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Consider the following regarding the reasons for the fact that now Cyanobacteria are kept in Monera and not in Plantae:

I. They are prokaryotes.
II. The cell wall of cyanobacteria has peptidoglycan.
III. They can fix atmospheric nitrogen.

The correct explanations would be:

1. I and II only
2. I and III only
3. II and III only
4. I, II and III

Subtopic:  Kingdom Monera: Bacterial Cell Structure |

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Identify the incorrect statement regarding cyanobacteria:
1. They have chlorophyll a similar to green plants
2. Colonies surrounded by pellicle – a protein rich layer
3. Often form blooms in polluted water bodies
4. Fix nitrogen in specialized cells called hetrocysts

Subtopic:  Kingdom Monera: Bacterial Cell Structure |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.