A conjoint and open vascular bundle will be observed in the transverse section of

1. Monocot root 2. Monocot stem
3. Dicot root 4. Dicot stem

Subtopic:  Dicot Stem |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

Interfascicular cambium and cork cambium are formed due to
1. Cell division
2. Cell differentitation
3. Cell dedifferentiation
4. Redifferentiation

Subtopic:  Activity of Secondary Xylem (OLD NCERT) | Activity of Cork Cambium |

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Phellogen and Phellem respectively denote
1. Cork and cork cambium
2. Cork cambium and cork
3. Secondary cortex and cork
4. Cork and secondary cortex

Subtopic:  Activity of Vascular Cambium (OLD NCERT) | Activity of Secondary Xylem (OLD NCERT) | Activity of Cork Cambium |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

In which of the following pairs of parts of a flowering plant is epidermis absent?

1. Root tip and shoot tip 2. Shoot bud and floral bud
3. Ovule and seed 4. Petiole and pedicel
Subtopic:  Meristematic Tissue: Shoot Apex (OLD NCERT) | Meristematic Tissue: Root Apex (OLD NCERT) |

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How many shoot apical meritsems are likely to be present in a twig of a plant possessing, 4 branches and 26 leaves
1. 26
2. 1
3. 5
4. 30

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A piece of wood having no vessels (trachea) must be belong to
1. Teak
2. Mango
3. Pine
4. Palm

Subtopic:  Complex Tissue: Xylem |
Please attempt this question first.
Please attempt this question first.

A plant tissue, when stained, showed the presence of hemicellulose and pectin in cell wall of its cells. The tissue represents
1. Collenchyma
2. Sclerenchyma
3. Xylem
4. Meristem

Subtopic:  Simple Tissue: Chollenchyma & Sclerenchyma |

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Fibres are likely to be absent in
1. Secondary phloem
2. Secondary Xylem
3. Primary phloem
4. Leaves

Subtopic:  Complex Tissue: Phloem |

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When we peel the skin of a potato tuber, we remove
1. Periderm
2. Epidermis
3. Cuticle
4. Sapwood

Subtopic:  Epidermal Tissue System |

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A vessel less piece of stem possessing prominent sieve tubes would belong to
1. Pines
2. Eucalyptus
3. Grass
4. Trachodendron

Subtopic:  Complex Tissue: Phloem |

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