Imbricate aestivation of floral parts is seen in:

1. Calotropis 2. Cassia
3. China rose 4. Lady’s finger

Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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Pneumatophores are found in plants growing in:

1. Xeric conditions 2. Swampy areas
3. Hypersaline environments 4. Permafrost conditions
Subtopic:  Modification of Roots |

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In papilionaceous aestivation:
1. standard overlaps the wings that overlap the keel
2. standard overlaps the keel that overlaps the wings
3. wings overlap the standard that overlaps the keel
4. keel overlaps the wings that overlap the standard

Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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The lateral branches originate from the basal and underground portion of the main stem, grow horizontally beneath the soil and then come out obliquely upwards giving rise to leafy shoots in:

1. Opuntia and Euphorbia 2. Mint and Jasmine
3. Pistia and Eichhornia 4. Banana and Pineapple
Subtopic:  Aerial Stem Modification |

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Usually the anther in an angiosperm has:
1. two lobes and each lobe has two pollen sacs
2. two lobes and each lobe has one pollen sac
3. four lobes and each lobe has one pollen sac
4. four lobes and each lobe has two pollen sacs

Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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Beginning from the root cap, the correct chronological sequence of the various region of a root tip is:
1. Region of meristematic activity → Region of elongation → Region of maturation
2. Region of maturation→ Region of elongation → Region of meristematic activity
3. Region of meristematic activity → Region of maturation → Region of elongation
4. Region of elongation → Region of maturation → Region of meristematic activity

Subtopic:  Morphology of Roots |

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A sterile stamen is called as:

1. Staminate 3. Staminode
2. Pistillate 4. Carpelode
Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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Stamens attached to the perianth as in the flowers of lily are called as:

1. Epipetalous 2. Epiphyllous
3. Polypetalous 4. Gamopetalous
Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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The condition of stamens in China rose is described as:
1. Polyandrous
2. Monoadelphous
3. Diadelphous
4. Polyadelphous

Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |

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Variation in the length of filaments within a flower is seen in:

1. Pea 2. Citrus
3. Salvia 4. Brinjal
Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.