In animal cells steroidal hormones are synthesized in the:
1. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
2. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
3. Golgi apparatus
4. Lysosomes


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An important site of the formation of glycoproteins and glycolipids in a eukaryotic cell is the:
1. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
2. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
3. Golgi apparatus
4. Lysosomes


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A glycosidic bond connects :
1. two monosaccharides
2. two amino acids
3. two fatty acids
4. a fatty acid and a glycerol


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Consider the following statements:
I. G0 phase is viewed as either an extended G1 phase where the cell is neither dividing nor preparing to divide and or as a distinct quiescent stage which occurs outside of the cell cycle.
II. In gamete production interphase is succeeded by meiosis.
III. In programmed cell death interphase is followed or preempted by apoptosis.
The correct statements include:

1. II and III
2. I and III
3. I, II, and III
4. I only


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The most abundant enzyme is :
1. Carbonic anhydrase
2. Nitrogenase
3. Catalase
4. Rubisco


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The concentrations of ions is significantly higher in the vacuoles than in the cytoplasm. The reason for this:
1. Facilitated diffusion of the ions by the tonoplast
2. Active transport of the ions by the tonoplast
3. Presence of porins for diffusion of the ions
4. Bulk transport across the tonoplast


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All of the following are true of protein denaturation except that it
1. is a shape change
2. is always irreversible
3. may be caused by a pH change
4. could result from a temperature change


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Cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) are:
1. Two key classes of regulatory molecules that determine a cell's progress through the cell cycle
2. The products of the proto oncogenes in a eukaryotic cell
3. Two very important promoters that are involved in oncogenes
4. Mediators of apoptosis


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Consider the following statements:
I. In animals, meiosis always results in the formation of gametes, while in other organisms it can give rise to spores.
II. Meiosis is essential for sexual reproduction and therefore occurs in all eukaryotes (including single-celled organisms) that reproduce sexually.
III. Meiosis does not occur in archaea or bacteria, which reproduce via asexual processes such as binary fission.
The correct statements are:
1. I, II, and III
2. II and III
3. I and III
4. I and II


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Which of the following is an essential amino acid?
1. Phenylalanine

2. Aspartic acid

3. Glutamic acid

4. Serine


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