Consider the graph given in the figure. Which of the following options does not show an instantaneous rate of reaction in the 40s?

 1 V5V25030 2 V4V25030 3 V3V24030 4 V3V14020

(2) HINT: Use formula of instantaneous rate.
Reaction occurring at the smallest time interval is known as the instantaneous rate of reaction at 40 s is rale of a reaction during a small interval of e.g. time close to 40 s. Volume change during a small time interval close to 40 s ie., 40- 30 s, 50- 40 s, 50- 30 s, 40-20s

 Instantaneous rate of reaction = Change in volume  Time interval close to 40s

1 rinst (20s)=V5V250 correct 2 rinst(20s)=V4V35030 incorrect, correct is V5V350303 rinst(10s)=V3V24030 correct 4 rinst(20s)=V3V14020 correct