Match the items of Column I and Column II on the basis of data given below


Column I                     Column II
A F2 1. Metal is the strongest reducing agent
B Li 2. Metal ion which is the weakest oxidising agent
C Au3+ 3. Non-metal which is the best oxidising agent
D Br- 4. Unreactive metal
E Au 5 Anion that can be oxidised by Au3+
F Li+ 6 Anion which is the weakest reducing agent
G F- 7 Metal ion which is an oxidising agent

Options:  A   B   C   D    E   F   G 
1. 3 1 7 5 4 2 6
2. 1 2 3 5 7 4 6
3. 5  4  3  2 6 5 1
4. 4  5 2 1 6 7

A. F2 is a non-metal and best oxidising agent because SRP of F2 is + 2.87 V.
B. Li is a metal and strongest reducing agent because SRP of Li is - 3.05 V.
C. Au3+ is a metal ion whichis an oxidising agent as SRP of Au3+ is +1.40V.
D. Br- is an anion that can be oxidised by
Au3+ as Au3+ (E0 = 1.40) is greater than
               Br(E° = 1.09V).
E. Au is an unreactive metal.
F. Li+ is a metal ion having least value ot SRP (- 3.05 V), henceit is the weakest oxidising agent.
G. F- is an anion which is the weakest reducing ageni as F- /F2 has low oxiclation potential (-2.87 V).