A metallic ring of mass m and radius l (ring being horizontal) is falling under gravity in a region having a magnetic field. If z is the vertical direction, the z-component of the magnetic field is Bz=B01+λ z. If R is the resistance of the ring and if the ring has reached a constant velocity, use the conservation of energy to determine v in terms of m, B, λ and acceleration due to gravity g.

Hint: The current is induced due to the change in magnetic flux.
Step 1: The magnetic flux linked with the metallic ring of mass m and radius l falling under gravity in a region having a magnetic field whose z-component of the magnetic field is Bz=B01+λ z is;
ϕ=Bzπl2=B0(1+λz) (πl2)
Step 2: Applying Faraday's law of EMl, we have emf induced given by; dt=rate of change of flux=B0πl2λdzdt
Also, by Ohm's law;
On rearranging the terms, we have; I=πl2B0λRv
Step 3: Energy lost/second=I2R=πl2λ2B02v2R
This must come from the rate of change in PE=mgdzdt=mgv
[as kinetic energy is constant for v=constant]
Thus, mgv=πl2λB02v2R or v=mgRπl2λB02
This is the required expression of velocity.